Summer Camp 2024 – July 8th to Aug 30th

9:00 AM to 4:00 PM daily

We provide safe and fun Summer Camp activities for your children 5 years to 12 years old. This year, our Summer Camp will run between 9:00 AM and 4:00 PM each day with optional before care and aftercare.

We also offer the option of a half-day camp that runs between 9:00 AM and 12:00 noon each day. Please see weekly rates by scrolling down this screen.

At the Tumble Tot Co., we are committed to providing an atmosphere of respect, comfort, and security for all our campers. We recognize that everyone is an individual with his or her own interests and needs. We strive to create an environment for children to feel successful. Friendship, Safety, and FUN are what our camp is all about.

Fun Weekly Themes

Each week of Summer Camp will have a feature theme on which activities and crafts will be based. The themes planned for our 2024 Summer Camp are as follows:

Week 1 – July 8-12 Enchanted Journey

A fun-filled week with your favorite characters.

Week 2 – July 15-19 Ocean Adventure

Explore the magical creatures under the sea.

Week 3 – July 22-26 Magic & Friendship

A week of magic tricks with your new Summer Camp friends

Week 4 – July 29-Aug 2 Summer Olympics

Where everyone is a winner in the race for gold!

Week 6 – Aug 6-9 Superheroes (4 day week)

A week of fun with your favorite superheroes and heroines.

We are closed for the Civic holiday on Monday, August 5th

Week 6 – Aug 12-16 Ninja Challenge

Unleash your inner Ninja with fun-filled daily activities.

Week 7 – Aug 19-23 Space Exploration

Count down to adventure with a week of space exploration.

Week 8 – Aug 26-Aug 30 Beach Vacation

Wrap up summer with the perfect beach adventure.

Prior to attending your first day of camp, please review our Summer Camp 2024 Handbook that provides details about what to bring to camp and forms to complete. The Handbook also provides details on daily camp themes and our cancellation policy.

Camp Fees

DescriptionFee ($)
Full day weekly camp (5 day)$336.00 + HST
Half day weekly camp 9 to noon (5 day)$210.00 + HST
Full day weekly camp (4 day) - Week of Aug 6-9 only. We are closed for the Civic holiday on Monday, August 5th$269.00 + HST
Half day weekly camp 9 to noon (4 day) - Week of Aug 6-9 only. We are closed for the Civic holiday on Monday, August 5th$168.00 + HST

Promotional Discounts

A sibling discount of 10% is available for the 2nd and 3rd child in the same family. The discount will be applied to the camp registration fees for all siblings.

A multi-week discount is also available based on the following schedule:

  • 3-5 weeks of camp: $75.00 savings per child (total)
  • 6-8 weeks of camp: $175.00 savings per child (total)

Optional Before and After Care

Before care (dropping off a child at 8:00 AM ) is available at a rate of $10.00/day + HST. After care (picking up a child no later than 5:00 PM) is an additional $10.00/day + HST. Parents can select both before and after care at a rate of $20.00/day + HST.

Review our Summer Camp Handbook and see our Camps Cancellation/Refund Policy for important information.

Summer Camp at the Tumble Tot Co.

Join our Gymnastics Week Colouring Contest!