
This form is for testing only

Parties are only available Saturday and Sunday. Please check the table above to ensure a slot is available before booking it.
Please select your preferred birthday party time. Please check the schedule above for availability.
Please select your preferred birthday package.
Enter in the format DD/MM/YYYY
Please see description of Birthday Party programs on website for details
Please see pictures of the available themes under "Party Room Themes" under the "Birthdays" menu.
To help us create an enjoyable birthday party experience for all, please indicated the expected age range for children attending the party. For example, if the party will include children ranging in age from 4-10, we will work to setup age appropriate activities for fun activities such as obstacle courses. Please enter text or an age range in this field - e.g. "4 to 10"

Please provide any additional information or requests that might help us plan for the big day.

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